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[1]   Zeyu Wang, Jituo Tian, Xiaojun Zhou, Hierarchical parameter optimization based support vector regression for power load forecasting: Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021
[2]   Xiaojun Zhou, Yuan Gao, Zhaoke Huang, Chaojie Li, A multiple gradient descent design for multi-task learning on edge computing: multi-objective machine learning approach: IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021
[3]   周晓君, 桂卫华, 阳春华, 状态转移算法原理与应用 [J]: 自动化学报, 2020, 46 (11) : 2260-2274
[4]   Jie Han, Peng Shi, Cheng-Chew Lim, Chunhua Yang, Xiaojun Zhou, Stackelberg-Nash game approach for constrained robust optimization with fuzzy variables [J]: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020
[5]   A hybrid feature selection method for production condition recognition in froth flotation with noisy labels [J]: Minerals Engineering, 2020, 153 (106201)
[6]   Hybrid intelligence assisted sample average approximation method for chance constrained dynamic optimization [J]: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020
[7]   A fast optimization method with the speed of light, 2020
[8]   X.J. Zhou, M Huang, T.W. Huang, C.H. Yang, W.H. Gui, Dynamic optimization for copper removal process with continuous production constraints [J]: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019
[9]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, F.X. Zhang, Optimal setting and control strategy for industrial process based on discrete-time fractional-order PID [J]: IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 47747--47761
[10]   S.X. Yang, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, Z.K. Huang, Energy consumption forecasting for the nonferrous metallurgy industry using hybrid support vector regression with an adaptive state transition algorithm [J]: Cognitive Computation, 2019
[11]   T. W. Huang, C.H. Yang, Y.F. Xie, K. Yang, X.J. Zhou, A novel modularity-based discrete state transition algorithm for community detection in networks [J]: Neurocomputing, 2019, 334: 89-99
[12]   G.B. Jia, C.C. Xu, J.P. Long, X.J. Zhou, An external archive-based constrained state transition algorithm for optimal power dispatch [J]: Complexity, 2019, 4727168: 1-11
[13]   T.W. Huang, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, Z.K. Huang, A hybrid feature selection method based on binary state transition algorithm and ReliefF [J]: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23 (5) : 1888--1898
[14]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X.J. Zhou, A statistical study on parameter selection of operators in continuous state transition algorithm [J]: IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, 49 (10) : 3722--3730
[15]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, J.J. Zhou, X.J. Zhou, Set-point tracking and multi-objective optimization-Based PID control for the goethite process [J]: IEEE ACCESS, 2018, 6: 36683-36698
[16]   W.H. Gui, R.D. Zhang, X.J. Zhou, J. Han, C.H. Yang, Discussion on uncertain optimization methods for nonferrous metallurgical processes [J]: 控制与决策, 2018, 33 (5) : 856--865
[17]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, Z.K. Huang, A novel cognitively-inspired state transition algorithm for solving the linear bi-level programming problem [J]: Cognitive Computation, 2018, 10 (5) : 816–826
[18]   H.Q. Zhu, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, F.X. Zhang, Fractional order fuzzy PID optimal control in copper removal process of zinc hydrometallurgy [J]: Hydrometallurgy, 2018, 178: 60-76
[19]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, T.W. Huang, X.J. Zhou*, M. Huang, Dynamic optimization based on state transition algorithm for copper removal process [J]: Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, 31 (7) : 2827–2839
[20]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, C C Lim, P Shi, X. J. Zhou, A dynamic state transition algorithm with application to sensor network localization [J]: Neurocomputing, 2018, 273: 237-250
[21]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou*, C.H. Yang, J. Han, A two-stage state transition algorithm for constrained engineering optimization problems [J]: Int. Journal of Control Automation and Systems, 2018, 16 (2) : 522–534
[22]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, J. Han, Dynamic multi-objective optimization arising in iron precipitation of zinc hydrometallurgy [J]: Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 173: 134–148
[23]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou, C.H. Yang, F.X. Zhang, Optimal control based on control period calculation for copper removal process of zinc solution purification [J]: 控制理论与应用, 2017, 34 (10) : 1388-1395
[24]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou*, C.H. Yang, J. Han, A new multi-threshold image segmentation approach using state transition algorithm [J]: Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 44: 588–601
[25]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou*, C.H. Yang, F.X. Zhang, Fractional-order PID controller tuning using continuous state transition algorithm [J]: Neural Computing and Applications, 2018, 29 (10) : 795-804
[26]   H.S. Xi, X.J. Zhou, X.H. Yu, X.H. Liu, Finite-time H∞ control for linear systems with semi-Markovian switching [J]: Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 85 (4) : 2297-2308
[27]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou*, C.H. Yang, J. Han, Entropy-based estimation of bubble size distributions in froth flotation using B-spline functions [J]: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, 49 (20) : 96–101
[28]   W.H. Gui, X.J. Zhou*, C.H. Yang, T.X. Dong, A novel discrete state transition algorithm for staff assignment problem [J]: 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33 (10) : 1378-1388
[29]  W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X.J. Zhou, A matlab toolbox for continuous state transition algorithm [C]: Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 2016: 9172-9177
[30]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X.J. Zhou, A Comparative Study of STA on Large Scale Global Optimization [C]: World Congress on Intelligent Control & Automation, 2016: 2115 - 2119
[31]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, D Y Gao, X. J. Zhou, Discrete state transition algorithm for unconstrained integer optimization problems [J]: Neurocomputing, 2016, 173: 864-874
[32]  A. R. Simpson, D. Y. Gao, X. J. Zhou, Optimal design of water distribution networks by discrete state transition algorithm [J]: Engineering Optimization, 2016, 48 (4) : 603-628
[33]   C.H. Yang, D.Y. Gao, X. J. Zhou, Global solutions to a class of CEC benchmark constrained optimization problems [J]: Optimization Letters, 2016, 10 (3) : 457-472
[34]  Y.F. Xie, C.H. Yang, X.J. Zhou, H.M. He, Y.L. Wang, Optimization of both operating costs and energy efficiency in the alumina evaporation process by a multi-objective state transition algorithm [J]: The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 94 (1) : 53-65
[35]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X. J. Zhou, Modeling and control of nonferrous metallurgical processes on the perspective of global optimization [J]: 控制理论与应用, 2015, 32 (9) : 1158-1169
[36]   M Q Xiao, T W Huang, C J Li, X. J. Zhou, Fast gradient-based distributed optimisation approach for model predictive control and application in four-tank benchmark [J]: IET Control Theory & Applications, 2015, 9 (10) : 1579–1586
[37]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, C C Lim, P Shi, X. J. Zhou, Event based guaranteed cost consensus for distributed multi-agent systems [J]: Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2015, 352: 3546–3563
[38]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X.L. Tang, T.X. Dong, X. J. Zhou, A BMI approach to guaranteed cost control of discrete-time uncertain system with both state and input delays [J]: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2015, 36 (6) : 844-852
[39]  D Y Gao, X. J. Zhou*, C J Li, Stable trajectory of logistic map [J]: Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78 (1) : 209-217
[40]   C.H. Yang, David Y Gao, X. J. Zhou, Canonical primal-dual algorithm for solving fourth-order polynomial minimization problems [J]: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 227: 246-255
[41]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X. J. Zhou, Nonlinear system identification and control using state transition algorithm [J]: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 226: 169-179
[42]   T.X. Dong, W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X. J. Zhou, A particle swarm optimization algorithm with variable random functions and mutation [J]: Acta Automatica Sinica, 2014, 40 (7) : 1339-1347
[43]  W.H. Gui, X. J. Zhou*, X L Tang, C.H. Yang, A discrete state transition algorithm for traveling salesman problem [J]: 控制理论与应用, 2013, 30 (8) : 1040-1046
[44]   C.H. Yang, D Y Gao, X. J. Zhou, A comparative study of state transition algorithm with harmony search and artificial bee colony [J]: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2013, 212: 651-659
[45]   W.H. Gui, C.H. Yang, X. J. Zhou, State transition algorithm [J]: Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2012, 8 (4) : 1039-1056